
BuildId: eac92b98804a1356b0fe44dd7e2a56df1aa2149d


Image holder

Image holder is a tool that helps to generate placeholder images. It is useful for generating placeholder images for your website, social media, and other purposes.


    Touting “quick and simple image placeholders,” is easy to remember, and easy to use. Just grab their image URL, modify with your size parameters, and voila!
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  • Fill Murray

    It's high time we had a celeb appear on this list, and who better than Fill Murray. Now you can add a little offbeat humor and comedic charm to every website design or layout.
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  • Dynamic Dummy Image Generator

    This placeholder image generator offers a lot of options, including width and height, ratios, background and foreground color, and our favorite—common preset screen and ad sizes.
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  • LoremFlickr

    A fun twist on the popular photo sharing site, LoremFlickr surfaces Creative Commons licensed Flickr photos for use as placeholder images. Plug in some dimensions and off you go!
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  • Placeit

    With nearly 3000 mockup templates, Placeit has it all. iPhones, Samsungs, desktops, laptops, tablets, you name it, they've got it, and in nearly every position imaginable!

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  • Morgan Fillman

    Because, why not? Now you can put Morgan Freeman placeholder images in your designs, easily, with a URL. Just choose your desired size, proportion, filters and more.

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  • placekitten

    I can has placeholder imagez? Yes, yes you can. Our list wouldn't be complete without the requisite feline-inspired image generator, bursting with cute and fluffy friends.
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  • baconmockup

    Yep, it exists. The even meatier complement to Bacon Ipsum, make every client salivate over your designs with juicy, red placeholder images of, you guessed it, bacon.
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    Built as a foil to placekitten, offers something more earthy, more manly. Choose color or grayscale placeholder beards in every proportion for your next project.
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  • lorempixel

    One of the originals, lorempixel (formerly lorempixum) is a no-nonsense placeholder image generator, with a simple interface featuring size, categories, and color options.
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  • PlaceCage

    Featuring options such as “Calm,” and “CRAZY,” you know this is the real deal. Make every web design feel like a Nicholas Cage movie. How could that not be a good thing?
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  • Dummy Image Generator

    Boasting 12 different categories, various ratios, orientations, and the ability to show mixed sizes, Dummy Image Generator is a great find. Only caveat? You'll need to download the images, no hotlinking.

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  • PlaceIMG

    Featuring categories like “animals,” “architecture,” and “tech,” you'll be hard-pressed to find a nicer on-demand selection. And as a bonus PlaceIMG lets you choose color, grayscale, or sepia.
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  • placebear

    Love nature? Then you'll love placebear. Add large, fuzzy placeholders to every web mockup and claw your way to the top. Bear sounds, unfortunately, are not included.
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    Possessing some pretty advanced controls, let's you get granular with your dummy images, offering options for font size and family, custom messages, and icons.
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  • Steven SeGALLERY

    Spice up your designs with some Steven Seagal placeholder imagery. Customize the width, height, and color of each image. Feature request: fight mode on/off.
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  • Ipsum Image

    Built exclusively using Google services, Ipsum Image serves up simple placeholders with background color, foreground text. Use their URL parameters to customize the image.
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  • Fake Images Please?

    Sporting an entertaining name and dark UI, this placeholder image generator is a breeze to use. Specify your width, height, and optional background/foreground colors, text and font.
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  • Placebeyoncé

    If Brad Frost likes it, we're on board. Use Placebeyoncé to win over hard-nosed clients and dour colleagues alike. Drop her into your designs and watch them begin to smile.

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  • Lorem Picsum

    “Lorem Ipsum...but for photos” reads the tagline. And that's precisely what Lorem Picsum offers. Start by selecting your dimensions, add filters and gravity, and even return a list of photos.
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  • Placezombie

    You can't run from these placeholder images, and neither can your clients. Horrify the boardroom with blood-spattered photos of the undead in any size your heart (while still beating) desires.
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